Live Bee Removal

Your Bee Problem, Our Gentle Solution

Professional Live Humane Bee Removal Service

Effective Live Bee Removal is key to maintaining property safety and promoting ecological balance


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Protecting Your Space with Bee Removal and Reclocation Specialist

Bees truly are remarkable creatures that play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystem. Not only do they produce the delicious honey that we enjoy, but their unparalleled pollination efforts contribute immensely to the growth and beauty of our flowers, and fruits.

We understand that it's important to respect these fascinating creatures and handle any interactions with them in a manner that ensures their safety and well-being. Our team of trained professionals is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to safely relocate bees without causing harm.

Live Bee Removal Process

Step 1

Surveying The Location

When you call our wildlife removal company for live bee removal services, our professionals will come out and survey the location of your bee colony. There are a few different techniques for the humane removal of bees: swarm trapping, swarm capture, and colony removal. All of these live bee removal methods involve the safe relocation of the colony.

Step 2

Removing The Colony

It's important to stress that live bee removal should only be handled by professionals in order to ensure the colony survives. We'll arrive with all of the tools necessary to safely remove your bee colony or swarm and relocate it to a safe location away from humans.

Step 3

Ensuring No Return

Once the colony has been removed, our professional wildlife removal technicians will ensure the bees do not return to your home. Bees leave behind a special pheromone that they use to find their hives, so the key is to remove this from your home. This involves ensuring any honey, honeycomb, or dead bees are removed.

Step 4

Relocate Safely

Once the job is done, we take the bees to our apiary where they are given a new hive and cared for.

We understand that it's important to respect these fascinating creatures and handle any interactions with them in a manner that ensures their safety and well-being. Our team of trained professionals is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to safely relocate bees without causing harm. Call Wildlife Control 360 Today.

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